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October is ADHD Awareness Month

🎃🍁🍂 October is ADHD Awareness Month!!!! Fun fact... All 4 of us in my household have it 😁 it looks a little different for each of us as everyone has another diagnosis playing along with it. As a child I was the space cadet in school, forgetful, unorganized, late, smart but bored as hell so I didn't do my school work.

As an adult I've learned to navigate it. I write in a notebook to remember what I need to do. I have sticky notes, alarms and back up alarms for those alarms 🤣

My professional work has always been where my OCD takes over and everything is in order. My personal life however not so much 😂

BUT let's talk about hyperfocus!!! I think of this like my superpower (it can be problematic at times too). I didn't do my school work as a kid because I was bored. As an adult I get to pick the things I'm interested in to learn more about🤓 so this hyperfocus helps me be a better practitioner. I sometimes get clients that are dealing with an ailment I may not be familiar with and it sparks my interest. So I go on a research binge for hours and love it!!! I learn more and can help my client with great info so they can better advocate for themselves at the doctors office.

My kiddos and husband all have hyperfocus with the things they love too. So while those of us with ADHD might not have it all together, you can bet we are all experts on the things we love 😁

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